Pool Enclosures Save Lives – Here’s How

Pool enclosures are a fantastic investment for your home. Not only do they allow you to swim in a year round pool (who doesn’t love swimming in winter?!) but they also offer a lot of safety benefits and peace of mind.

Below, we’ll go over some of the common safety issues that pool owners have and discuss how a pool enclosure will solve them.

Safety concerns

Every pool owner has serious concerns when it comes to the safety of their pool. While they’re really fun to have, pools can also turn deadly in the blink of an eye.

Children and pets

The biggest concern when it comes to pools is children and pets. Unfortunately, drowning is the leading cause of death for children under the age of 5. With an exposed pool and just a few moments without supervision, a family’s life can be destroyed.

The family pets are also susceptible to danger. Thousands of pets drown in the swimming pool each year because they fell in, were chasing something, or found themselves to be curious too close to the edge.

The safety of our loved ones is a major worry that all owners must address.

Wild animals

With family pets also comes the concern for wild animals. While we may not care about them the way we do our furry friends, their access to the pool is still something to think about.

Animals such as squirrels and raccoons can easily get into a swimming pool and drown. They can also use the bathroom in the water and surrounding areas. Some animals carry diseases in their feces and these can seriously harm humans, so keeping them out is very important for safety.

Sun exposure

Another safety concern for families is sun exposure. High levels of sun exposure can cause more than just painful sunburn on adults and children. In severe cases, it can cause sun sickness and with long term exposure, even skin cancer. 

Sunscreens are packed full of chemicals and need to be constantly reapplied, so finding a safer option to protect families is a major concern.

Pool enclosures save lives

All of the above safety issues are major concerns for any family. But what if there could be one solution for all of these problems? Good news…. There is!

Invest in a pool enclosure, they will keep your family safe and happy for years to come. Not only are pool enclosures aesthetically pleasing and fun to have, but pool enclosures save lives. With locking options, you’ll rest easy knowing kids, pets, and vermin are not able to get into the pool without you present. 

Additionally, you’ll be happy to know that pool enclosures provide shade and sun protection on hot summer days. That means far less sunscreen and tons more fun!

Ask us more

Are you interested in learning more about pool enclosures and how they can protect your family? CCSI International, Inc. is here to help.

For over 50 years, we’ve been manufacturing and distributing pool enclosures and retractable room systems for families and businesses. Not only are our systems built with the strongest materials but they are designed to withstand bad weather and the test of time.

Give us a call today, we’d love to help you keep your family safe this summer and all the years to come!